Houseofmax's Green=Energy Blog

Effective ways to make sure your home is energy & cost efficient …

Home Energy Articles Series

Part 1 – Determining current costs.
Part 2 – Cost over savings analysis.
Part 3 – Getting started finding your biggest needs.
Part 4 – Start small for big savings.
Part 5 – Your window savings.

Your window savings

No one would argue the need for windows in a home, but they can cost you a great deal of money when it comes to energy. Windows allow for air to pass through them easily and In effect, they can be a huge part of you energy usage.

Those that have windows that are not properly insulated, could be looking at up to 35 percent of their energy loss to come from those windows. That’s 35 percent of the energy that you could save if your windows were working for you and not against you.

Should You Replace Or Repair?

There are several things that you can do to repair them. But first you may need to consider carefully the benefits of replacing your old windows. If you have older windows, it may be necessary to replace them.

Windows on a home should be replaced every ten to twenty years, depending on the type of window and its insulation. It is not so much their age, though, as the way in which they work.

The optimum usage you should be looking for is a good level of protection. You want the heat to stay in during the winter months and the cold to stay out. And reverse that for the summer months. But this can be hard to achieve with older windows.

Windows that have less than two panes of glass should be replaced for additional energy efficiency, if your budget allows for it.

If there are cracks, breaks and other areas where the window is compromised, these too should be replaced beyond a doubt. Sometimes these leaks are not obvious, but you can sometimes feel a draft from badly insulated windows, especially in the winter.

When it comes to replacing windows, it is not always necessary to purchase the most expensive windows you can find out there. But, because the windows in your home make up such a large portion of the energy that you use, you want to purchase the highest quality, energy efficient windows that you can afford.

Your windows should look the way that you want them, but it is more important to get those that will keep temperatures even throughout the home instead.

The cost of replacing your windows can be a big expense, but the fact is that they can save you a great deal of money over the long haul.

Waiting for a couple of months (or next year) before purchasing new windows may be just fine. But in the meantime, why not consider implementing some of these energy saving tips you can do right now and save yourself some money?

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Hope you read all five articles in this series. For a more “Definitive guide to energy efficient homes, please visit my energy efficient home guide to discover the rest of the information you’ve been searching for at:

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Helpful Tips to make sure your home is energy & cost efficient …

Home Energy Articles Series

Part 1 – Determining current costs.
Part 2 – Cost over savings analysis.
Part 3 – Getting started finding your biggest needs.
Part 4 – Start small for big savings.
Part 5 – Your window savings.

Start Small Towards Generating Big Savings,

You will find many different tips and tricks to help you save money on your home’s energy needs in this energy conservation series.

But it is always a better strategy to smart with the small projects and work your way up to larger changes in your home. Now, that does not mean that you can not do both, but we will begin talking about some of the small, inexpensive ways that you can begin to see energy efficiency in your home.

In the this article and the ones to follow, we will list some pretty simple things you can do right now to get started at saving your hard earned money.

Managing Your Water Heater

There are several things that you can do to improve the efficiency of your water heater to save energy.

Lower The Temperature

Do you realize that you are heating water to a certain temperature for your shower or your washing machine only to bring that temperature down by mixing it with cold water so that it is usable? Most people can not use straight hot water and that’s where some savings can come in. Lower the hot water temperature to the lowest comfortable setting for your needs.

If you have an energy efficient hot water heater, you can save a great deal of money just not heating the water as hot as you normally would. Most hot water heaters have dials that you can use.

You can lower it just a bit or a good amount, just do not drop it below 120 F, as this is an unsafe level for bacteria and sanitation reasons. This is especially helpful if you have an electric heater.

Install A Timer

Another thing to consider doing is to install a timer on your water heater. What is the sense of warming water over and over during the day if you are not home or do not use it during the day? Have the water heater timer kick on before you come home from work so that hot water is ready and waiting for you.

Even better is insuring that the timer keeps the heater off during the night when you know you won’t be using it. You can again set the temperature on your hot water heater to aid in getting it right.

Insulate Your Heater

Probably one of the largest benefits in regards to your water heater is to have it insulated. Most of the time, your water heater will already be insulated, you just need to take it to the next step. By adding insulation around the outside of your water heater, you are keeping the heat inside the water heater and therefore reducing the need for the heater to turn on and heat, using fuel to do so.

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For more information about this part of Start small for big savings, please refer to my definitive guide to energy efficient homes at

More Home, Health and Environmental Reviews

Great ideas to make sure your home is energy & cost efficient …

Home Energy Articles Series

Part 1 – Determining current costs.
Part 2 – Cost over savings analysis.
Part 3 – Getting started finding your biggest needs.
Part 4 – Start small for big savings.
Part 5 – Your window savings.

Finding Out What Is Your Biggest Needs.

Have you figured out how much you’re spending each month on your energy needs? If not read our previous articles:

Once you have figured out what products offer you the best bang for your buck by looking at all the possible options you have for your energy supplies and products, its time to address the biggest potential cost you now have for your home energy needs.

For most people, this is gas.

Gas Suppliers

Although gas maybe quite expensive these days, there is no doubt that in the coming years the prices of it will continue to rise.

That is not the only alarming fact to consider. Think about the fact that within the next sixty years, most scientists believe that we will have exhausted all of our crude oil supplies around the world, leaving all of us to face the fact that there may not be any gas left to use.

As the supply of crude oil diminishes, the costs of gas will continue to rise. To make matters worse, we continue to use more and more gas each and every year.

We are all aware by now that gas is not the world’s healthiest fuel choice to burn. It does not help the environment when we burn it daily in our cars and to heat our homes. The fact that we are not only rapidly depleting the vast resources we have, but hurting the
environment, are two good reasons to stay away from gas usage.

So, what are the other options we have today? There is a great push for alternative sources of energy as we speak, but until these grids are readily available to the vast majority of consumers, we have to focus on conservation.

This means that now is the time to look at how you can save gas costs within your home. The prices are going to continue to rise and there is no doubt your bills will continue to rise as well. Yet, this does not have to mean that you can keep losing a great deal of
money either.

There are plenty of ways to save on gas, as you will see throughout these articles. If it is your biggest cost in fuel usage in your home, this is where you want to start.

Others Things To Think About

Of course, gas it not the only type of fuel that you use in your home. In fact, electricity can be another potential money saver is you learn to use it wisely. In fact, all you need to do is to invest your time in finding out where you use these fuel sources and how you can save in doing so.

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For more information about this part of Getting started finding your biggest needs, please refer to my definitive guide to energy efficient homes at

More Home, Health and Environmental Reviews

Money saving tips to make sure your home is energy & cost efficient ….

Home Energy Articles Series

Part 1 – Determining current costs.
Part 2 – Cost over savings analysis.
Part 3 – Getting started finding your biggest needs.
Part 4 – Start small for big savings.
Part 5 – Your window savings.

Home Energy Cost Analysis

The world is in a fuel crisis today and the cost of energy continues to rise. It’s no wonder we see more and more start-up companies out there pushing products that are everything but a way to save money. Will most of these products work as promised, probably not.

The main thing to consider before you purchase them is whether they are cost effective or if they are something that will be a waste of your hard earned money.

We intend to give you some really good tips about purchasing any item that may be presented to you as a way to save energy on your home’s fuel usage. Take some time to really think about what you are investing in before you do so. This alone can save you money.

The main goal here is to find effective methods to lower the number of units that you spend on your fuel each month. To get you started, here are some of the questions you should be asking yourself in an effort to engage yourself in smart investment strategies for energy savings.

Some Tips For Analyzing Benefits

• What are the promised benefits of this product? Any product that promises outlandish claims is probably not legit. If they were, we probably would have them in use already.

• How much will this product cost me in the long run? How much will it cost you to purchase, install and maintain the item?

• Will I see some savings in my usage right away? You should be able to see immediately decrease in amount of units being used in order to save money on your energy needs.

• Finally, how long will it take you to make up the difference in the cost of the product over the amount of money you have invested in it? If you can not get your costs back in a reasonable amount of time, then the savings may not worth the effort.

By taking all of these factors into consideration, you will find yourself better able to understand the true benefit of any supposed energy savings gadget that is out there.

More Related Articles

For more information about this part of Cost over savings analysis, please refer to my definitive guide to energy efficient homes at:

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